
Carnivores, Herbivores, or Omnivores...

Carnivores, Herbivores, or Omnivores, do people even know where the human is based on our biology and physical structure? Most people do not, they strongly believe we are with the group called Carnivores, I even had people that said we were scavengers.

Herbivores are animals whose primary food source is plant-based. These animals have evolved digestive systems capable of digesting large amounts of plant material. The plants are high in fiber and starch, which provide the main energy source in their diet. Since some parts of plant materials, such as cellulose, are hard to digest, the digestive tract of herbivores is adapted so that food may be digested properly. Many large herbivores have symbiotic bacteria within their stomachs to assist with the breakdown of cellulose. They have long and complex digestive tracts to allow enough space and time for microbial fermentation to occur.

Omnivores are animals that eat both plant- and animal-derived food. Omnivores cannot really eat everything that other animals eat. They can only eat things that are moderately easy to acquire while being moderately nutritious. For example, most omnivores cannot live by grazing, nor are they able to eat some hard-shelled animals or successfully hunt large or fast prey.

Carnivores are animals that eat other animals. Obligate carnivores are those that rely entirely on animal flesh to obtain their nutrients; examples of obligate carnivores are members of the cat family.

So, what is a human, should we really eat meat? Humans cannot eat meat without the help from tools which brings up a conflicting argument. Let’s compare us to carnivores with a few examples on how nature designed us or for you who are religious, god.

A carnivore's teeth are long, sharp and pointed. These are tools that are useful for the task of piercing into flesh. Omnivore's (meat and plant eaters) teeth are like that of carnivores. Man's, as well as other herbivore's teeth are not pointed, but flat edged. We usually have two canines that people usually conflict with carnivore but these are used to eat fruit, try eating an apple without these teeth. There are other species that have canines and never touch meat i.e. Hippopotamus, baboons, saber-toothed deer, and camels.

A carnivore's jaws move up and down with minimal sideways motion. The jaw motion of an omnivore is similar. Man's, as well as other herbivore's jaws cannot shear, but have good side to side and back to front motion. These are tools that are useful for extensive chewing, crushing and grinding of grains and other high fiber foods. Animal flesh cannot be crushed, ground and chewed.

A carnivore or omnivore's saliva does not contain digestive enzymes. Man's, as well as other herbivore's saliva is alkaline, containing carbohydrate digestive enzymes. 

A carnivore's stomach secretes powerful digestive enzymes with about 10 times the amount of hydrochloric acid than a human or herbivore. The pH is less than or equal to "1" with food in the stomach, for a carnivore or omnivore. For humans or other herbivores, the pH ranges from 4 to 5 with food in the stomach. Hence, man must prepare his meats with laborious cooking or frying methods. E. Coli bacteria, salmonella, campylobacter, trichina worms or other pathogens would not survive in the stomach of a lion. 

A carnivore's or omnivore's small intestine is three to six times the length of its trunk. This is a tool designed for rapid elimination of food that rots quickly. Man's, as well as other herbivore's small intestines are 10 to 12 times the length of their body, and winds itself back and forth in random directions. This is a tool designed for keeping food in it for long periods of time so that all the valuable nutrients and minerals can be extracted from it before it enters the large intestine. 

A predator has a gait, large paws, and claws, which enable him to hunt, chase and trap his prey. These are tools meant to kill. Man's gait, as well as other herbivore's is designed only for mobility. Examine your hand, fingers, and fingernails. Is this an apparatus properly designed for catching, trapping, killing, and ripping apart cattle, hogs, chicken, and fish? How does this work for picking fruit from trees or harvesting vegetables?

A carnivore's frame of mind is totally geared for hunting and killing. Man's frame of mind is compassionate, friendly and reveres life. When the lion spots another furry animal, something might instinctively click in his head that tells him to hurry up and get dinner. When man spots a furry animal, rather than show his children how to take its life and eat it, a more likely instinct is to pull over, get the camera out and take a picture. Put a young baby chick and an apple in a crib with a six-month-old baby. What will he instinctively attempt to eat and play with? 

Man, is not a natural hunter. Every predator, in order to go hunting, MUST be hungry. Man, cannot go hunting if he IS hungry! He must have a meal first. Hunger must precede a predator to go hunting. Hunger must follow man's desire to go hunting, it cannot precede it.

So, get naked, no tools, find a rabbit, a squirrel or even a cow. Attack it, kill it, and start eating it. Send me an email if you succeed, take some pictures as well or you can be like this <insert the most offensive and foul word you could call someone> below who believes that animals are treasures to be slaughtered for a picture... 

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