
Animal Rights need to be Law with Order

This blog will be focusing purely on being a voice for the ones that cannot speak, the Animals.

After 42 years of meat loving and extreme consumption, my soul has finally awoken from its eternal consumption sleep. It is beyond my understanding the cruelty that humanity not only does to its own but to innocent animals that have no voice and no other way beside body expression and sound to show emotion. It is proven without any doubt that all animals express the same feelings as humans do, after all humans are also animals that derive from the mammals’ family. Animals express fear, anger, irritation, annoyance, despair, sadness, depression, happiness, joy, excitement...the list can go on and on. I can only taste bitterness when I watch the video that I created based from samples taken from different organizations across the globe. It does not matter which country you come from or live in, all countries have a locked door that remains closed to the public and it is only through espionage that we can see the bitter truth. Within the video there has been a visit to almost every continent on earth and multiple countries in each continent. Do not think for a minute that the country you reside in is not infected by the same type of cruel behavior. I cried for a full 20 minutes when I watched this video, not for the how the humans act toward the animals but for the fear and despair that the animals show in their eyes and their desperate body language. I am disgusted to call myself human since my brothers and sisters treat animals with such disrespect.

Don't see this video as sadness, see it is an opportunity for you to...make a change. Watch, cry, gain strength and within the next couple of weeks I will share easy activities that will give you the chance to make a change.

Today I am a devoted vegetarian and not one day pass without me finding new ways to change my lifestyle, all for the one goal, to provide animal rights and to raise human understanding that we are destroying this planet and its habitants. Animals did not ask to be here. Most of the animals we consume were placed here through hectic and inhumane births. I quote Michael Jackson and I hope you all awake from your sleep and do something about it "we stop existing and start living". We need to wake up, we need to be on the right side of the fence, defending the ones without speech, without rights, without someone that loves them, without someone that sees them as only food...make a choice.

If you sit down and think about, give it a couple of minutes or even one hour, just think. What is the goal for the companies that satisfy your consumption? We humans call it profit, I would like to call it greed. To make a profit you must keep your expenses low and because of this there is only one victim within this sector, the animals. Not only do the companies have do anything possible to cut down on their expenses but they must add anger and ignorance to their daily activities. By doing this it turns out to be extreme cruelty and this cruelty is within the meat that you consume. Watch the Video please, share it, spread it...make a difference.

Attention to the video that it contains extreme brutal- and violent treatment of our most commonly consumed meat, depending on your culture, but nonetheless cow, calf, pig, piglet, chicken, duck, rabbit, and dog.


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